Summer School 2011

At the launch of 'Sing the Mass'
Each year, the Irish Church Music Association hosts its annual Summer School in the splendid surroundings of St Patrick's College, Maynooth. The course lasts five days, beginning on the first Monday of July and continuing until lunchtime on Friday. Central to the week are the sung liturgies: participants gather in the majestic Gunn Chapel or St Mary's Oratory for Eucharist and Morning and Evening Prayer each day. There are opportunities to attend workshops in a variety of topics, ranging from Organ, Composition for the Liturgy, Contemporary Parish Music, Chant, Choral Conducting, and many other areas of interest to liturgical musicians. The Summer School is also recognised by the Department of Education as in-service training for primary school teachers.
The week offers countless memories and moments for participants to savour. Corridors ring with laughter and chat as old friendships are renewed and new ones formed. The Summer School is a vital way for church musicians to recharge their batteries, meet other musicians and learn new techniques and repertoire. It provides a well to drink from which provides refreshment and re-invigoration that lasts for a good portion of the year – at least until the next Summer School comes around!
As we prepare for the new translation of the Roman Missal next Advent, our theme in 2011 came from the heart of the Eucharistic Prayer: The Mystery of Faith. After the Consecration, we acclaim our faith in the saving death and resurrection of Christ. Each of the new acclamation texts mentions this central reality, for the Church never ceases to announce the Gospel, the Good News of Christ’s death and resurrection. Now, as we wait in joyful hope for the Lord’s return, every time we partake in the Eucharist, following the Lord Jesus’ command: ‘Do this in memory of me’, we recall his death and resurrection, our minds are filled with grace and a pledge of future glory is given to us. This year’s Summer School introduced the new Mass settings which we will be using later this year. The Summer School was officially opened by Bishop Brendan Kelly on the Monday evening, when he also launched the collection 'Sing the Mass,' published by Veritas and providing settings of music for the new edition of the Roman Missal, along with a resource book 'Celebrating the Mass throughout the Year: Eucharist and the Liturgical Year,' published by the National Centre for Liturgy.
The week offers countless memories and moments for participants to savour. Corridors ring with laughter and chat as old friendships are renewed and new ones formed. The Summer School is a vital way for church musicians to recharge their batteries, meet other musicians and learn new techniques and repertoire. It provides a well to drink from which provides refreshment and re-invigoration that lasts for a good portion of the year – at least until the next Summer School comes around!
As we prepare for the new translation of the Roman Missal next Advent, our theme in 2011 came from the heart of the Eucharistic Prayer: The Mystery of Faith. After the Consecration, we acclaim our faith in the saving death and resurrection of Christ. Each of the new acclamation texts mentions this central reality, for the Church never ceases to announce the Gospel, the Good News of Christ’s death and resurrection. Now, as we wait in joyful hope for the Lord’s return, every time we partake in the Eucharist, following the Lord Jesus’ command: ‘Do this in memory of me’, we recall his death and resurrection, our minds are filled with grace and a pledge of future glory is given to us. This year’s Summer School introduced the new Mass settings which we will be using later this year. The Summer School was officially opened by Bishop Brendan Kelly on the Monday evening, when he also launched the collection 'Sing the Mass,' published by Veritas and providing settings of music for the new edition of the Roman Missal, along with a resource book 'Celebrating the Mass throughout the Year: Eucharist and the Liturgical Year,' published by the National Centre for Liturgy.

This year’s Summer School, held at St Patrick's College, Maynooth from Monday 4th to Friday 8th July welcomed guest director Órla Barry. Orla is also founder and director of the chamber choir Cantando, who presented a riveting concert on the Wednesday evening of the Summer School, Órla is a graduate of University College Dublin and the College-Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. She has worked extensively as a conductor, singer, clinician and teacher, both here in Ireland and in the United States. Cantando was formed to explore the choral repertoire from Renaissance madrigals to contemporary works by leading national and international composers and quickly established a reputation as a highly accomplished and musical group. Órla was director of Dublin's famous Palestrina Choir at the Pro-Cathedral from December 1996 until Christmas 2001.
Órla is also very active in the field of liturgical music as a member of the Dublin Diocesan Sacred Music Commission and has been Guest Director of the annual Church Music Summer School of the Irish Church Music Association on three occasions to great acclaim. She has been invited to appear as guest conductor with the National Chamber Choir on several occasions. She is Head of Music at St. Raphaela's Secondary School, Kilmacud.
Órla is also very active in the field of liturgical music as a member of the Dublin Diocesan Sacred Music Commission and has been Guest Director of the annual Church Music Summer School of the Irish Church Music Association on three occasions to great acclaim. She has been invited to appear as guest conductor with the National Chamber Choir on several occasions. She is Head of Music at St. Raphaela's Secondary School, Kilmacud.

The wide selection of tutorials and workshops on offer this year provided training and resources across a range of areas:
See below for slideshow of this year's Summer School:
- Music by Irish composers for the New Missal - John O' Keeffe
- Choral Direction - Dominic Finn
- Liturgical Composition - Edward Holden
- Parish and Contemporary Music - Liam Lawton & Chris de Silva
- Music for Schools - Monica Brown
- Organ Training - David Connolly, Regina Deacy, Eanna McKenna & Eoin Tierney
- Cantor Training - Sarah Waldron
- Chant - Giovanna Feeley
- Special Choir - Orla Barry
See below for slideshow of this year's Summer School: