Summer School 2012: July 2nd to 6th, Maynooth
Guest Director: Marty Haugen

Marty Haugen led our summer school this year with a gentle grace, encouragement and passion for the liturgy which inspired those present in a spirit congruent with one of his most well-known compositions, "All Are Welcome." Marty is a liturgical composer, workshop presenter, performing and recording artist & author from Eagan, Minnesota. He and his wife, Linda, have two adult children who are married to good partners, and two grandchildren.
For the past 25 years, Marty has presented workshops and concerts across North and Central America, Europe, Asia and the Pacific Rim. He has over 35 recordings and more than 400 separate printed editions available through GIA Publications. He has also served as editor or consultant to a number of GIA hymnals and has been a contributor to hymnals or supplements for many denominational groups including the ELCA and ELCIC (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and Canada), the United Methodist Church, the Mennonite Brethren, the United Church of Christ, the United Church of Canada, the Anglican Church of Canada, the Church of England, the Church of Scotland, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and Roman Catholic groups in Great Britain, Canada, Ireland and Australia.
The week comprised of the heady mix of liturgies, rehearsals, tutorials, meals and fun! The summer school was officially launched on Monday evening in the beautiful Maynooth College Chapel by Roger Childs of RTE, who spoke of the special role broadcast liturgies play in the religious and cultural landscape of present-day Ireland. Over two hundred participants from all over Ireland took part during the week. The selection of tutorials available ensured a variety of learning and sharing experiences for all. This year, tutorials were offered in: Parish Repertoire (Marty Haugen, Ian Callanan), Primary Schools Music (Marian Gaynor), The Parish Cantor (Sarah Waldron), Liturgical Composition (Edward Holden), Irish Music for the Liturgy (Maire ni Dhuibhir), Choral Direction & Conducting (Dominic Finn), Special Choir (David Connolly) and Organ Tuition (Regina Deacy, Raymond O'Donnell, Eoin Tierney, Eanna McKenna).
While the celebration of the Eucharist in the College Chapel was the focus and highlight of each day, there were special events throughout the week. Tuesday evening saw participants and guests celebrate Evening Prayer in St Mary's Church of Ireland at the College gates, with a stimulating address by Archbishop Michael Jackson. On Wednesday evening the Annual General Meeting of the Association was held, followed by the now infamous and very lively table quiz! Thursday evening provided a grand finale to the week, as a new collection of music by the late Fintan O'Carroll was launched. It was the Association's joy to take this opportunity to bestow Honorary Life Membership on Josephine O'Carroll, herself one of the earliest members of the Association. Fintan's son Kevin spoke of his work in bringing the collection to completion before he conducted those gathered in a singing of Vivaldi's Gloria - from scratch! With a modicum of rehearsal just that afternoon for instrumentalists and soloists, the event was a resounding success which enthused and moved participants in equal measure. The performance also included two pieces prepared by Special Choir during the week. A festive reception was held after the performance and on Friday the summer school concluded with the final celebration of the Eucharist in the intimate surroundings of St Mary's Oratory, where participants had gathered for Morning Prayer each day of the week.
The week provided the opportunity for old friends to greet each other once more but was also marked this year by a large number of first-timers, new to the summer school or returning after many years. There was also a sizeable cohort of young people, a growing trend in recent years. Young and old alike prayed and sang together in a week which refreshed spirits and renewed hearts in the beautiful surroundings of Maynooth College. In continuing the theme of the recent Eucharistic Congress, people were inspired to 'become what you receive' - or, as was posed to participants during the week: to 'become who you receive.'
See a selection of photos from this year's summer school below. More to follow!
For the past 25 years, Marty has presented workshops and concerts across North and Central America, Europe, Asia and the Pacific Rim. He has over 35 recordings and more than 400 separate printed editions available through GIA Publications. He has also served as editor or consultant to a number of GIA hymnals and has been a contributor to hymnals or supplements for many denominational groups including the ELCA and ELCIC (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and Canada), the United Methodist Church, the Mennonite Brethren, the United Church of Christ, the United Church of Canada, the Anglican Church of Canada, the Church of England, the Church of Scotland, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and Roman Catholic groups in Great Britain, Canada, Ireland and Australia.
The week comprised of the heady mix of liturgies, rehearsals, tutorials, meals and fun! The summer school was officially launched on Monday evening in the beautiful Maynooth College Chapel by Roger Childs of RTE, who spoke of the special role broadcast liturgies play in the religious and cultural landscape of present-day Ireland. Over two hundred participants from all over Ireland took part during the week. The selection of tutorials available ensured a variety of learning and sharing experiences for all. This year, tutorials were offered in: Parish Repertoire (Marty Haugen, Ian Callanan), Primary Schools Music (Marian Gaynor), The Parish Cantor (Sarah Waldron), Liturgical Composition (Edward Holden), Irish Music for the Liturgy (Maire ni Dhuibhir), Choral Direction & Conducting (Dominic Finn), Special Choir (David Connolly) and Organ Tuition (Regina Deacy, Raymond O'Donnell, Eoin Tierney, Eanna McKenna).
While the celebration of the Eucharist in the College Chapel was the focus and highlight of each day, there were special events throughout the week. Tuesday evening saw participants and guests celebrate Evening Prayer in St Mary's Church of Ireland at the College gates, with a stimulating address by Archbishop Michael Jackson. On Wednesday evening the Annual General Meeting of the Association was held, followed by the now infamous and very lively table quiz! Thursday evening provided a grand finale to the week, as a new collection of music by the late Fintan O'Carroll was launched. It was the Association's joy to take this opportunity to bestow Honorary Life Membership on Josephine O'Carroll, herself one of the earliest members of the Association. Fintan's son Kevin spoke of his work in bringing the collection to completion before he conducted those gathered in a singing of Vivaldi's Gloria - from scratch! With a modicum of rehearsal just that afternoon for instrumentalists and soloists, the event was a resounding success which enthused and moved participants in equal measure. The performance also included two pieces prepared by Special Choir during the week. A festive reception was held after the performance and on Friday the summer school concluded with the final celebration of the Eucharist in the intimate surroundings of St Mary's Oratory, where participants had gathered for Morning Prayer each day of the week.
The week provided the opportunity for old friends to greet each other once more but was also marked this year by a large number of first-timers, new to the summer school or returning after many years. There was also a sizeable cohort of young people, a growing trend in recent years. Young and old alike prayed and sang together in a week which refreshed spirits and renewed hearts in the beautiful surroundings of Maynooth College. In continuing the theme of the recent Eucharistic Congress, people were inspired to 'become what you receive' - or, as was posed to participants during the week: to 'become who you receive.'
See a selection of photos from this year's summer school below. More to follow!